How to Properly Upscale Pixel Art in Photoshop

Open your pixel art image in Photoshop and go to Image > Image Size. In this case the image dimensions are 48 x 48 px.

Step 2

Check the Resample option. By default, Photoshop will set the resampling method to Automatic.

Step 3

Check the “Constrain Aspect Ratio” icon.

Step 4

Set the Width and Height to “Percent”.

Step 5

Finally, set the percentage Width to 1200 and click OK.

Step 6

As you may see, the end result is not even close to be acceptable.

The Wrong Method 2

Step 1

Open your pixel art image in Photoshop and go to Image > Image Size. In this case the image dimensions are 72 x 72 px.

Step 2

Check the Resample option, and from the dropdown menu select “Preserve Details (enlargement)”.

Step 3

Check the “Constrain Aspect Ratio” icon.

Step 4

Set the Width and Height to “Percent”.

Step 5

Finally, set the percentage Width to 1200 and click OK.

Step 6

As you may see again, the end result is not even close to be acceptable.

The Wrong Method 3

Step 1

Open your pixel art image in Photoshop and go to Image > Image Size. In this case the image dimensions are 72 x 72 px.

Step 2

Check the Resample option, and from the dropdown menu select “Bicubic Smoother (enlargement)”.

Step 3

Check the “Constrain Aspect Ratio” icon.

Step 4

Set the Width and Height to “Percent”.

Step 5

Finally, set the percentage Width to 1200 and click OK.

Step 6

Again the end result is not acceptable at all.

The Correct Method

Step 1

Open your pixel art image in Photoshop and go to Image > Image Size. In this case the image dimensions are 72 x 72 px.

Step 2

Check the Resample option, and from the dropdown menu select “Nearest Neighbor (hard edges)”.

Step 3

Check the “Constrain Aspect Ratio” icon.

Step 4

Set the Width and Height to “Percent”.

Step 5

Finally, set the percentage Width to 1200 and click OK.

Step 6

This time the final result is exactly what we expect when we need to upscale our pixel art images.

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