Join the FamilySearch Family Tree

Portrait of grandmother collecting puzzle with her granddaughter

aletia2011 –

You have decided to learn about your ancestors and contribute to the FamilySearch Family Tree.Congratulations! 

Discovering your ancestors can be filled with unexpected twists and turns, kind of like working on a mystery or a jigsaw puzzle. And, as with a puzzle, it helps to know where to turn to get answers to your questions.

Once you create your tree, you might wonder where to get answers to your questions and may want to know what to do next. 

Several questions may arise while you work on the FamilySearch Family Tree. You might ask yourself: 

  • How do I link to my relatives’ trees?
  • There’s so much information available. Where do I start?
  • What if I can’t find any information?
  • How do I contribute if family members have done all the work?
  • How do I use the partner sites and other family history apps along with

These questions and others like them can make getting started with family history feel overwhelming, even confusing at times. But help is available!
Several features are available on that can help your family tree grow. For instance, when you go to the Help drop-down menu on the main page, you will find the Help Center for step-by-step instructions on using and the Getting Started menu to help answer basic questions, along with several other resource pages that give additional information.

In addition to the Help drop-down menu, the pages below are filled with insightful advice and helpful how-to instructions.

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